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Want to Get Photo-Organized? Start Here.

Whenever we need to laugh in our home, we retrieve the funny videos on my phone.

Do you ever do that?

We’ve got the ‘Fly by D’ vid:

And the ‘When Daddy Launched M vid:’

But how do you keep those ‘go-to’ videos on your phone without cluttering it up? What do you do when you go to take that next pic and your phone is FULL?

Full Device Scenarios:

Have you had to delete a photo to be able to take your next photo or video?

No judgement here. More of you than not have been in that position for a variety of reasons.

Maybe you haven’t made time to do that download.

Maybe you’re avoiding because you actually have no idea how to import your images and you're hoping your son or daughter will show you the next time he or she is over.

Or maybe you’re just overwhelmed with adding them to the clutter that currently exists on your computer so you continue to avoid the task altogether.


maybe you THOUGHT your photos WERE backed up to the ever-elusive ‘CLOUD,’ only to find out that when you delete them off your phone, they disappear from your computer as well. af?!jei#(S!!! And now even the seemingly tech-savvy photo-taking millennial will avoid deleting until he/she ‘youtubes’ how the different ‘Clouds’ work and what ‘syncing with your computer’ really means. Ugh.

The WHY:

We get stuck.

Technology evolves faster than the mastery of our photo-downloading routine and many of us so highly VALUE our photos which is why the burden is so HEAVY when we see the images of our own children, friends and family being held hostage by the overwhelming volume, clutter, and duplicates on multiple devices.

Are you all reading this saying ‘that is so me’ at some point or another?!

That’s ok! And the good news is, we can make it soooo simple for you.

That’s why we’re here. Blogging. Right now. We have our one-on-one clients. We have our workshop students. We have our family and friends who we tutor when we visit and help simplify their photo life one device at a time. But we want to help more because this is a HUGE problem for so many – and reconnecting with your photos beyond your device just simply rocks!

It’s so much more awesome being in a creative storytelling state with your photos than a burdened state of avoidance and ‘where to begin-ness.’ If that’s not quote-worthy, (or is it tweet-worthy these days?) than I don’t know what is.

So let’s start here.

Let’s not start when you’re scrambling for a photo for someone’s special birthday or anniversary. Let’s not wait until our children are grown to start their album. And let’s reallllly try not to wait to find those photos when it’s most painful in all of our lives.

What do you want to know?!

Did I mention we're photo-organizers? Album Designers? Teachers? Slideshow creativists (and word maker-uppers)? Problem Solvers Extraordinaire? Photo-workflow Ninjas? Yup. We know stuff. And we want you to come to us instead of spending hours 'youtubing' a solution or trying to google the golden combination of words for "what do you do with all those iPhone videos?" *Spoiler alert: That's up next ;)*

I digress.


What are your photo concerns? Fears? Aging printed photos in old albums? Corrupt digital files with no back-up plan? Duplicates! Where do you begin? Device Downloading? *ahem*

What would YOU love to learn about in our blog and how can we help you? Please leave us your comments and questions and we’ll work hard to guide you in the right direction and entertain you along the way. And if you’re ready to dive right in click HERE or check out our upcoming workshops.

Your photos have a story to tell.

We’ll help you find it,

Amanda & Kristi

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